
State of the art backup technology


Veeam is an industry leader in backup and disaster recovery solutions. With Veeam technology we can make sure data is always available, protected and working as businesses need, wherever it may reside, whether it is on physical systems; SaaS services; public, private or a hybrid cloud. 

Veeam has modernised the world of backup with their simple, flexible and reliable backup and data management platform and at Koris365 we know Veeam well and we love it. We have a good partnership, with great links into Veeam for added support if and when we need it.

Koris365 customers can not only take advantage of this state of the art backup technology within our private cloud offering but we can also deliver it as an Office 365 backup or as BuaaS. 


Making data, smarter, more self-governing, ensuring:


V11 Immutability

End-to-end protection of your data

Author: Jonathan Hammond, Senior Solutions Architect at Koris365 - formerly SICL

Explore trends in modern backup and discover why end-to-end component is vital to the success of encryption technologies in securing data. In his latest blog, Jonathan Hammond, Senior Solutions Architect at Koris365 talks about Veeam V11 immutability. Find out more HERE.